New Lego Boxes Announced!

Introducing our LEGO challenge with prize!

To add to our evergrowing list of geeky offerings, we now bring you lots and lots of Lego. The way it works is simple... choose as many boxes of random bricks, signs, flowers, etc, as you'd like to build with, pay £5 per box and build for 4 hours!

Take a picture of your epic creation once it's done and at the end of the week, we'll judge all of the builds. The winner gets a FREE lounge pass, their name on our leaderboard... and plenty of bragging rights! 🏆

New Pricing Rates Announced!

Become a member by joining today!

We're pleased to announce our new pricing and membership! Save money by becoming a member today! 😁

Or make someone's day by buying membership as a gift. 🎁

Pop in to sign up!


Click below to book a booth for a console or retro gaming, book a table for a TTRPG or Trading Card Game or book a special or a workshop event:

For other General Enquiries please email

Gaming Booths


  • Console Gaming
  • Retro Gaming
  • Arcade Games
  • Tabletop RPGs
  • Board Games
  • Puzzles
  • Tournaments


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Up A Level
26 Market Street, York, YO1 8SJ
Up A Level York (Copyright © 2024 - 2025)